We are a Portuguese brand with strong and dynamic DNA in area of concrete floors and coverings. We have one strong connection to technical knowledge, innovative design, quality, performance and strength of our materials and solutions. We have been in the market for over 48 years with reference architecture projects and interior design worldwide. In Portugal we are responsible for the most important road infrastructures, floors and wall tiles of some of the largest public, commercial, educational and sports reference jobs. We have evolved with our commitment with innovation, design, quality, environment and safety of our solutions, products and raw materials. From genesis and collection of raw material to the final process, we follow all the steps until we reach the product that we trade. Thanks to the excellent technical and visual properties, ACL’s indoor and outdoor flooring and coverings are now used in all types of international architectural projects.
Quality and Environment Policy
ACL reaffirms the adoption of the principles of Sustainable Development as an integral part of its business strategy, assuming clear performance commitments, in the areas of Quality and Environment.
Control the quality of the processes, the raw material and the finished product, in order to reduce costs and losses.
Streamline partnerships with suppliers to make the product and service more profitable.
The company also takes into account that it must move towards following the needs and expectations of the interested parties. - ENVIRONMENT
Identify the environmental aspects and minimize the environmental impacts of the ACL's activities, through the prevention of pollution.
Use the necessary resources in a sustainable manner, by adopting new work practices and available technologies, promoting increased energy efficiency, reducing atmospheric emissions and the consumption of natural resources, such as energy.
Preserve the surrounding environment through the effective control of chemical products and the correct separation and routing of waste. - A Cimenteira do Louro undertakes to comply with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
The policy is communicated to all employees, the general public, customers, suppliers, subcontractors and interested parties.
The collaboration and commitment of all are essential in the commitment to continuous improvement of the company, which is defined by the improvement of performance, review and evaluation of the management systems, objectives and goals implemented.
- The continuous improvement of the quality of our products is an essential goal at Cimenteira do Louro. Continuous assessment of the Quality System is a form of guaranteeing this evolution, considering that each business area will meet the requirements of the Quality Policy. Recent certification in the field of Quality, based on the NP EN ISO 9001 standard, allows for a better adjustment to market requirements.
We protect the environment!
- For us, environment is not a trend, it’s an objective reality. The assessment and systematic control of the environmental impacts of our activities are priority concerns.
- Concrete products are composed of cement, sand, aggregates and water, being 100% recyclable.
Our waste is separated and sent to licensed entities for this purpose, with about 99.9% of waste sent for recycling.
The resource consumption is also a concern. The rejected water, in the production process, is treated and reused internally. - In 2018, we started implementing 1.984 photovoltaic panels in our factory, thus favoring increased consumption of renewable energy.
- Environmental protection assumes an increasing importance in our society, a reality that A Cimenteira do Louro shares and promotes.
- EN ISO 14001 Standard Certification is proof of that concern and makes our company the first in its sector to obtain that Standard in Portugal.
- Implement procedures for identifying hazards, assessing risks and determining control measures in terms of occupational health and safety resulting from the activities of the ACL.
- Promote the reduction, elimination or control of risks associated with the circulation of machines, noise, silica and ergonomic risks, preventing incidents, injuries or injuries, accidents and damage to health or occupational diseases.
- Investing in prevention through training, communication, participation and consultation with workers, so that they are aware of their individual OSH obligations, raising awareness of the increased protection of machinery and work equipment and the importance of using Personal protective equipment.
NP EN ISO 14001
- Since its creation, ACL has sought to evolve in a sustainable way, as we believe that this aspect is essential for the company to remain competitive.
Carbon footprint!
We are already on the way to carbon neutrality.
- So far we have already produced 2141 MWh
- So far we have already saved 1006 ton of CO2 emissions